A full website isn’t always the ideal solution for every digital endeavor. Maybe you want to launch something experimental, like a campaign aimed at a specific audience, or a new product that's disconnected from your current offerings. If this is the case it may be the perfect moment to try building a highly engaged microsite. 


*This post was originally written by Tayla Fagan and published on 26 October 2021

What is a microsite?

A microsite is a brand-specific website, or single web page, that businesses use to promote their individual products, events, or campaigns.

You can host a microsite on your own domain or company’s sub-domain and have a different URL than your company websites.

Watch our webinar with the authority on creating microsites using HubSpot Content Hub, Alex Girard.

Microsites are information-loaded and aimed at engaging as many visitors as possible. Some basic examples of microsites include:

  1. Blog Microsites
    These are specialized blog projects that showcase your business knowledge and thought leadership. They echo your basic brand image but live on a different URL from your homepage.
  2. Infographic Microsites
    Infographics can work as microsites, as long as they function beyond your website’s main navigation. These serve as an interesting way to bring attention to a relevant issue or topic within your industry.
  3. Branded Game Microsites
    Some microsites take advantage of the recent “gamification” of marketing. If your brand image is fun, adventurous, or playful, you may be able to create a game that drives your current marketing efforts.
  4. Marketing Campaign Microsites
    Campaign-based microsites can serve as a central hub for a specific marketing effort, such as a sale.

Related article: What a microsite is and how it can help your business grow

Why consider a microsite?

Microsites offer some fascinating benefits, especially in larger, more marketing-driven organizations.

1. It offers a more focused experience

Microsites remove the distractions that integration into your main corporate site would bring by removing primary site navigation, footers, and other irrelevant elements.

Larger corporate organizations typically have large sites that are many levels deep and made up of many subsections. That can make navigation feel cumbersome and, in many contexts, damaging to the user experience.

Microsites allow brands to deliver highly targeted content to specific segments of their audience. The user is then able to concentrate purely on the campaign and associated calls to action you want them to focus on.

2. It helps build brand awareness

Microsites are an effective way to share elements of your brand. For example, a microsite dedicated to the launch of a new product can prove extremely effective in increasing your customers’ awareness of the product and the value it can bring to them.

Most marketing professionals know that building brand awareness is the key first step in closing a sale. As consumers become increasingly savvy, requiring research and reading reviews before making purchasing decisions, your brand presence is more important than ever for fostering growth.

3. It can lead to better customer engagement

Engaged customers are better customers. They’re more enthusiastic about your brand, which means they’re not only more likely to make a purchase, but they’re also more likely to take part in a little word-of-mouth marketing of their own.

If you can create a fun and interactive experience on a microsite, chances are your customers will tell their friends about their experiences. This works to generate more leads while improving your current customer satisfaction and engagement.

4. Improve your SEO for niche keywords

Your SEO practices are still an integral part of your marketing strategy. To rank highly on Google searches, you must have a user-friendly website, in addition to content optimized for search.

Microsites often experience more shares across the web, which can be a powerful asset to your SEO efforts. Depending on your microsite, whether it’s a game, infographic, or even a blog, your users could share it on their social media networks and improve your online presence. This process, called link-building, has a powerful effect on your SEO.

Some companies choose to create microsites based on keyword research. By incorporating highly targeted keywords and creating a backlink to your original site, you can drastically improve your company’s SEO and outshine your competitors.

microsites-plan(Image: Unsplash)

Strategic ways you can use a microsite

When you're launching a new product

Whenever a new product is ready for launch, you'll launch a promotional campaign to generate interest and curiosity about it among potential customers.

These campaigns typically include print media promotions, promotion in exhibitions, social media, email campaigns, and more. Why not redirect your prospects to a microsite that has all the information about the product in one place?

The microsite will influence your audience further, by offering detailed and engaging multimedia content. And since the microsite is completely branded with the product’s characteristics, it will help your audience recall the product more.

To target your audience by geography

It's more important than ever for us to know how to reach a globalized audience. If you run a global business microsites can help you find users from different locations individually. With microsites, you can target users that are looking for products in a specific area.

If you want to stand out from your corporate brand

There are many brands that do not blend well with the look and feel of their parent companies’ websites. If this is true for you, a microsite could be an excellent way to expand your design styles. 

When you have an event to promote

There are several types of physical events and campaigns that companies regularly organize to enhance their brand presence (or simply generate business).

You can host the details and registrations about your event on your microsite. Unlike a corporate website, microsites will allow you to be as creative and free in your design.

Create your first microsite with HubSpot's Content Hub today 

With HubSpot's Content Hub, you can improve engagement on your microsite and generate leads with web push notifications. We're a HubSpot Partner agency that loves solving for the customer and as an Advanced CMS Implementation Certified Partner, we work with Enterprise CMS licenses.

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